RareSkills Solidity Interview Answers - Advanced

This article presents the list of Advanced questions with their answers related to the article Solidity Interview Questions by RareSkills.

For the level Medium and Hard, you can see my my first and second article.

According to the article, all questions can be answered in three sentences or less.

The answers here are more complete than necessary in order to explain in detail each topic.


EVM price memory

How does the EVM price memory usage?

The formula is indicated in the Ethereum yellow paper, page 28. The function is polynomial. Thus, the cost is linear up to 724B of memory used. After this limit, the yellow paper indicates that the cost increases significantly more and my guess is that it then becomes exponential.


As also indicated in the page 29:

Cmem is the memory cost function (the expansion function being the difference between the cost before and after). It is a polynomial, with the higher-order coefficient divided and floored, and thus linear up to 724B of memory used, after which it costs substantially more.

See this discussion on ethereum.stackexchange: How does the cost of EVM memory scale?

Vanity address

Under what circumstances do addresses with leading zeros save gas and why?

If the address is used as an argument of a function, an address with more zero will cost less gas because there are more zero in the calldata. It is true for smart contract, as well EOA.

Reference: RareSkills - Use vanity addresses


How does the –via-ir functionality in the Solidity compiler work?

This option --via-ir allows to compile with the IR representation.

Solidity can generate EVM bytecode in two different ways:

  • Directly from Solidity to EVM opcodes (“old codegen”)
  • Or through an intermediate representation (“IR”) in Yul (“new codegen” or “IR-based codegen”).

The IR-based code generator was introduced to:

  • To be more transparent and auditable
  • To enable more powerful optimization

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/ir-breaking-changes.html

Copy regions of memory

What is the most efficient way to copy regions of memory?

Initially, the most efficient way was to combine the opcodes MSTORE and MLOAD in inline assembly.

But the Dencun upgrade with the EIP-5656 has introduced a new opcode MCOPY, a combination of those two opcodes.

Reference: Ethereum Evolved: Dencun Upgrade Part 1, EIP-5656 & EIP-6780

Gas forward

How much gas can be forwarded in a call to another smart contract?

Only 63/64th of the gas can be forwarded in a message call, which causes a depth limit of a little less than 1000 in practice. This limit has been introduced by EIP-150 to avoid the Call Depth Attack where an attacker manages to cause a stack too deep error by calling endless series of contracts calling other contracts, since, prior to the EIP-150, the gas cost of each call was low.

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org#message-calls, RareSkills - EIP-150 and the 63/64 Rule for Gas

Negative numbers gas cost

Why do negative numbers in calldata cost more gas?

It is due to the two’s complement notation for signed integers.

Numbers with a lot of zeros cost less gas, but for small negative numbers, the representation will be largely non-zero since the bits are inversed.

For example, -1 is represented as 0xFFFF….FFFF

Reference: www.rareskills.io/post/gas-optimization#viewer-7umto

String storage slot

How many storage slots does a string take up?

It depends on the size of the string.

For short values (shorter than 32 bytes) the array elements are stored together with the length in the same slot.

Otherwise, there is a first slot to store the length of the array and a data area that is computed using a keccak256 hash of that slot’s position.

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/internals/layout_in_storage.html#bytes-and-string, ethereum.stackexchange - Storage and memory layout of strings


MEV uncle-block attack

What is the uncle-block attack from an MEV perspective?

In Ethereum occasionally two blocks are mined at roughly the same time, and only one block can be added to the chain. The other gets “uncled” or orphaned. These uncle blocks are recorded and accessible from the chain, but in their state, they have no impact on the canonical chain

A third actor, called Uncle Bandit, can see the block “rejected” and he can decide to manipulate some part of the blocks.

An interesting example has been seen in practice in 2021 with flashboat. One of the Flashbots users sent a sandwich transaction: a buy and a sell order, which have been unfortunately included in an uncle block.

The Uncle Bandit, saw this, decide to take only the buy part of the sandwich, added an arbitrage transaction after it to make a profit and submitted the block on-chain.

Reference: mev.wiki/attack-examples/uncle-bandit-attack, Unmasking the Ethereum Uncle Bandit, bertcmiller Tweet

Signature malleability attack

How do you conduct a signature malleability attack?

With ECDSA, you can have two different valid signatures generated with the same secret. This complementary signature can be computed without knowing the private key used to produce the first signature.

If the smart contract implements correctly the signature verification, e.g. with OpenZeppelin, this second signature should be rejected.

But if it is not the case, you can perform cool math on a valid signature to compute a second valid signature. To retrieve this first signature, an attacker can get it from transactions or smart contract storage.

Current state

To prevent signature malleability, Ethereum has introduced the EIP-2 to consider only lower levels of s as valid in a signature. Thus, there is only one valid point at each x coordinate because half points of the curve are no longer considered.

But the precompiled contract ecrecover does not include this modification and it still vulnerable to signature malleability. It is the reason why it is safer to use the library OpenZeppelin ECDSA which handle appropriately this case.

Math part

The equation for secp256k1 is y² = x³ + 7 over F(p), which means that a = 0 and b = 7

Elliptic Curve is symmetric on the X-axis, meaning two points can exist with the same X value. We can adjust the signature s to produce a valid signature for the same r on the other side of the X-axis (-s mod n).

This is done by :

  • Flipping the s value from s to n - s,

  • flipping the v value ( 27 -> 28, 28 -> 27)

Reference: rareskills.io - Smart Contract Securit, kadenzipfel - Signature Malleability, coders-errands - ECRecover and Signature Verification in Ethereum, coders - ECDSA Malleability

ECDSA verification

Why is it important to ECDSA sign a hash rather than an arbitrary bytes32?

Firstly, hash the message is part of the specification and it is never a good idea to not follow a specification.

By hashing the message, we ensure that each message has the same size at the end. If the message was not hashed, there is a risk that the message will be padded or truncated, reducing the security.

Moreover, it is also recommended to use a hash whose size matches the subgroup. It is the reason why SHA256/Keccak256 is perfect for secp256r1 which is defined in a 256-bit prime field.


Read-only reentrancy

What is read-only reentrancy?

Read-only reentrancy attacks target view functions that contain reentrancy vulnerabilities.

In general, reentrancy attack targets state-modifying function to exploit the order where the state is updated.

In the case of Read-only reentrancy, the goal is to call a view function which values returned by the function are not yet updated.

An example has been reported by ChainSecurity on Curve Finance:

  • An attacker can deposit tokens into one of the pools, then quickly start a withdrawal.
  • During the transaction, the attacker can exploit the transitional moment where the pool is imbalanced: the tokens are out but the balance hasn’t been updated
  • By exploiting this vulnerability, the attacker can manipulate the prince and inflate the value of the pool

Reference: dragonscVyper, Reentrancy, Curve Finance and the Danger to DeFi

Another example is the Sentiment plaform, which allows opening accounts with Balancer pools as assets. In this case, Sentiment called the function getPrice(token)from Balancer to know the price of an asset. By using a Read-only reentrancy on this function and a flashloan from Aave, an attacker managed to inflate the price of an asset, because the function getPricedoes not return the correct price, in a pool and drained the protocol by repeatedly borrow an asset from the platform.

Reference: Zokyo - Read-only reentrancy attacks: understanding the threat to your smart contracts

Other references: Halborn - What Is Read-Only Reentrancy?, SCT Italia - Understanding the Threat of Read- Only Reentrancy Attacks on YourSmart Contracts

Symbolic manipulation testing

Describe how symbolic manipulation testing works.

With symbolic manipulation, the variables in the programs are replaced by expression (“symbolic”) instead of using concrete value.

When a program is executed symbolically, the values of the variables are not fixed but are instead represented as expressions in terms of other symbolic variables.

Symbolic testing can be used as a formal verification method since symbolic testing can check the program for all possible inputs.

You can perform symbolic testing for Solidity smart contracts with Manticore, Mythril or Halmos

Reference: Solidity Security Practices Part X: Symbolic Execution, Symbolic testing with Halmos: Leveraging existing tests for formal verification

What are the security considerations of reading a (memory) bytes array from an untrusted smart contract call?

According to a Consensys article, external calls may execute malicious code in that contract or any other contract that it depends upon.

The smart contract called can also try to perform re--entrancy, so the function has to be correctly protected against.

Moreover, the call should not be performed with Delegatecall since it hands over all control to the delegatecallee.

Reference: Consensys - Ethereum Smart Contract Security Recommendations, Consensys - External Calls, RareSkills - Smart Contract Security


Function modifier

Are function modifiers called from right to left or left to right, or is it non-deterministic?

According to the documentation, they are evaluated in the order presented. Therefore, I suppose that it is left-to-right.

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org/function-modifiers


When selfdestruct is called, at what point is the Ether transferred? At what point is the smart contract’s bytecode erased?

Selfdestruct can no longer destruct/erase the contract bytecode since the Cancun upgrade, more information in my article.

Before that, I guess the contract was only really destroyed at the end of the transaction.


“years” keyword

Why did Solidity deprecate the “years” keyword?

It was removed because not every year equals 365 days and not even every day has 24 hours-.

This difference come from because of leap seconds, a one-second adjustment that is occasionally applied to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org - time-units

Signed integer

What does an int256 variable that stores -1 look like in hex?

We can apply the Two’s complement.

  • Reverse the sign by inverting the bits (0 goes to 1, and 1 to 0)

  • Add one to the resulting number.

b0…..1 =>(sing inversion) b1……0 => (add one) => b1….1 => (hexa) 0xFFF….FFFF

The answer is 0xFFFF….FFFF

Call with value (payable)

What is the difference between a) payable(msg.sender).call{value: value}(””) and b) msg.sender.call{value: value}(””)?

The keyword payable is only a requirement to send ethers with the function send or transfer because these functions are not available with a traditional address.

I don’t think it is really useful to use payable withcall.

Reference: solidity-by-example.org/payable/, docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.25/types.html#members-of-addresses

EVM / Assembly

What addresses to the ethereum precompiles live at?

Ethereum precompiles behave like smart contracts built into the Ethereum protocol. The nine precompiles live in addresses 0x01 to 0x09.

Precompiles do not execute inside a smart contract, they are part of the Ethereum client specification. You can see a list of them here in the Geth client: github.com/go-ethereum/…/vm/contracts.go#L73. Because they are a protocol specification, they are listed in the Ethereum Yellow Paper (in Appendix E).

The list:

Address Name Description
0x1 ecrecover Elliptic curve digital signature recovery
0x2 sha256hash Hash methods to interact with bitcoin
0x3 ripemd160hash Hash methods to interact with bitcoin
0x4 dataCopy (Identity) The identity precompile copies one region of memory to another.
0x5 bigModExp{eip2565: true} Use for RSA
0x6 bn256AddIstanbul Used for zero knowledge proof
0x7 bn256PairingIstanbul Used for zero knowledge proof
0x8 blake2F Hash methods to interact with zcasch


Function selector

How does Solidity manage the function selectors when there are more than 4 functions?

If there are more than 4 functions, the EVM will use a binary search to search in the table. A Binary search begins by comparing an element in the middle of the array with the target value.

See my previous article on the hard questions https://rya-sge.github.io/access-denied/2024/03/04/solidity-interview-question-rareskills-hard/#function-name.


If a delegatecall is made to a contract that makes a delegatecall to another contract, who is msg.sender a)in the proxy, b) the first contract (A), c) and the second contract(B)?

=> is a regular call and ==> is a delegatecall

We have:

user => proxy ==> contract A (implm) ==> Contract B

a) In the proxy, msg.sender is the user

b) In the first contract A, msg.sender is the user since it inherits the context of the proxy

b) In the second contract, msg.sender is still the user since it uses the context transmitted by A, which is the proxy’s context.

In this case, when A make the deleagtecall to B, it transmis in the call the context of the proxy, so msg.sender is the regular user in the proxy

ABI encoding

How does ABI encoding vary between calldata and memory, if at all?

There is no difference in my opinion. I haven’t seen any information indicating that there are differences in the solidity documentation

If you do a delegatecall to a contract and the opcode CODESIZE executes, which contract size will be returned?

Since the code is executed in the context of the calling contract, I suppose that the size returned is the proxy’s size. Moreover, when we use the opcode balance, the returned balance is the proxy’s balance according to this reference.

uint - Calldata

What is the difference between how a uint64 and uint256 are abi-encoded in calldata?

No difference if n <= 264 since the uint64 will be padded with zero to 32 bytes/256 bits

See docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.25/abi-spec.html#examples

If you deploy an empty Solidity contract, what bytecode will be present on the blockchain, if any?

By default, the solidity compiler appends some metadata about your contract to the runtime code (more info) here, so you will have non-empty code.

It is possible to deactivate the addition of these metadata in the compiler setting.

Reference: RareSkills - Ethereum smart contract creation code

Verbatim (Yul)

What does the verbatim keyword do, and where can it be used?

The keyword verbatim allows to create bytecode:

  • for opcodes which are not known to the Yul compiler
  • which will not be modified by the optimizer.

This keyword does not exist in solidity and can only be used inside a yul file.

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/yul.html#verbatim, How to use Yul Verbatim with Solidity

signextend opcode

What is the use of the signextend opcode?

This opcode allows to extend the sign of a signed integer

Reference: EVM SIGNEXTEND Opcode explanation

Smart contract metadata

What is stored in the metadata section of a smart contract?

The metadata contains two main information:

  • the IPFS hash of the metadata file.

This file, in the JSON format, is automatically generated by the Solidity compiler. By adding this hash to the runtime bytecode, you can check the authenticity of the file by using the hash.

  • The solidity compiler (solc) version

Reference: docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/metadata.html, RareSkills - Understanding smart contract metadata

Validate on-chain event

How can you validate on-chain that another smart contract emitted an event, without using an oracle?

This operation seems complicated to do on-chain without an oracle. My first guess is that it is currently not possible to perform this action.

Discussion on this topic ethereum.stackexchange - Proving the Existence of Logs to the Blockchain

Proxy free pointer

Under what conditions does the Openzeppelin Proxy.sol overwrite the free memory pointer? Why is it safe to do this?

As indicated in a comment in the Proxy.sol file:

“We take full control of memory in this inline assembly block because it will not return to Solidity code. We overwrite the Solidity scratch pad at memory position 0.”

The reason why they do this is because there is no code after the assembly block where the overwrite operation is performed. Thus, there is no risk that other instructions overwrite this part of the memory.

Reference: Proxy forwarding: 0x40 pointer vs 0 pointer


zk-friendly hash function

What is a zk-friendly hash function and how does it differ from a non-zk-friendly hash function?

Contrary to traditional programming, the efficiency of the circuits in ZK protocols depends on their algebraic structure. Thus, standard hash functions like SHA-2 and SHA-3 were not designed with this principle in mind but more with other metrics such as running time.

Zk-friendly hash function will try to be represent as simple expression in a large field, which is more efficient in terms of prover execution time and proof size.

Example of zk-friendly hash function: MiMC, Poseidon, and Vision/Rescue

Reference: zellic.io - ZK-Friendly Hash Functions


What is a nullifier in the context of zero knowledge, and what is it used for?

It refers to a private/secret value which, once revealed, can not be used again.

It is similar to a nonce, but unlike this one, the nullifier is destined to be secret.

It is used for example by Tornado cash where each deposit is associated with a unique, secret nullifier. To withdraw funds, users must reveal this nullifier. Once the nullifier has been revealed, it is not possible to use it again in order to avoid a malicious user performing the same withdrawal again.

Reference: 2π.com/22/nullifiers/, nmohnblatt.github.io/zk-jargon-decoder/definitions/nullifier.html

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